"Different kinds of math skills develop different areas of the brain." Maria Miller, MSc "Basic math functions involves communication with both sides of the brain." Dr. Denise C. Park "Math trains the brain to see connections and builds the neural pathways that make the brain stronger for all other things. These pathways serve as building blocks for myriad interests and subjects by: ∆ Creating the basis for systemic thinking. ∆ Developing the ability to analyze and solve problems. ∆ Stretching the mind to work on unfamiliar tasks with confidence. ∆ Developing the sequencing skills critical to arriving at accurate results or logical conclusions. ∆ Promoting caution and care in thinking by deciphering complex math problems to arrive at an accurate answer. ∆ Learning through the trial and error to integrate different principles to arrive at a logical conclusion." Heather Shanks BS. MA.